( Microsoft-Streets-and-Trips-2007.zip - 28.
Conclusion With the powerful new features of Streets & Trips 2007 such as Windows Live and Outlook integration, a new and better GPS receiver, easier to see maps and PIOs, the online updating features, I would say this program is a must have. The naming of roads has always been a bit nasty, IMO, but I have not found a product that is a. Pocket Streets is better suited to a limited geographic area such as a single large city. Dont believe them in an area with road modifications in the past couple of years. My motto with these is 'trust but verify'.

I have had problems with all of them from time to time. I have not experienced any problems in my area, but I can see how this might be of concern. I have a Garmin 2730 (discontinued a month after I bought it), 2007 Streets and Trips and the system in my 2001 Acura MDX. I would assume Microsoft, like everyone else, purchases this information, so you will find that most products mimic the same routes, as there are few providers out there. > />/> />* Yes, it is possible that there is not as much detail. Nothing really special, but having the ability to have a night map that is not glaring white is a nice addition when you are driving around with the map on in the evening./> />/> />I have read the other reviews and have a few words. when you can always plug in GPS, but I think it is cool)./> />/> />* Night map style. I may be the only one who thinks this is cool (esp. If you use WiFi on your laptop (who doesn't) and can find a network, you can get a good idea of where you are. Still not perfect, but a much needed addition./> />/> />* Driving Guidance pane: Nice having something pop up that does not take over the map (like our Honda Odysee does - showing my geekness now?)./> />/> />* Locate me.

So much fun to be able to reset my path without having to add mutliple "stops" in between. As I am normally the navigator in the car (wife loves to drive), I will probably never use this feature that much, but it is nice to have./> />/> />What I find most useful:/> />/> />* Drag and drop rerouting. A few years ago, I got a GPS unit and have loved the integration with newer versions of Streets & Trips./> />/> />On the whole, I purchased this version of S&T primarily for the voice directions.
Forgot Password Register: FAQ: Calendar: Mark Forums Read: User Tag List LinkBack: Thread Tools 1 06-14-2007, 01:52 AM street95. It seems I get hooked into getting a new version every time I see one at Sam's. Microsoft streets and trips 2007 Username: Remember Me Password: Register.
(I drew these lines in about 30 seconds, zoomed out 100mi scale, I know they're not good, but I want you see what Im trying for.Microsoft Streets and Trips 2007 review:4 stars (Nice upgrade to a good product) - I have been a Streets & Trips user for at least four versions (probably more, but I remember back to 2003, so I will stick with that). This gets it pretty close when you zoom down but it is Very time consuming and still probably has a little error (unless what I think looks like the center Really is ) I want to draw lines yes, but I don't want to have to eyeball approxmatelyĪnd I want to draw lines connecting them, but the only way it seems I can do this is to the try and line up the DOT with my mouse after selecting the draw line tool. Click anywhere on the map and you are done. Zoom in and drag it exaxtly where you want it. Now zoom out (I used my mouse scroll) and drag the other end of the line approximately to where you want it. The line ends can be edited until you click on the map anywhere other than the line ends. Then click on the map where you want the line to start and drag it out a little bit. You can zoom in and then click the "line" on the Drawing Tool Bar. Is this anything like what you want to do? I used the "line" from the Drawing Tool Bar.